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Gina Noelle Daggett

"The first time I kissed a girl, we were wearing matching sorority shirts and both had dates the following night," says Lipstick, a.k.a. Gina Noelle Daggett. "As soon as we were able to peel ourselves apart, we called the boys and cancelled."  


A third generation high-femme and former debutante, Lipstick was learning about hot rollers before she was out of diapers.  At the same time, while Lipstick was still a youngster, her mom was also teaching her the secret sorority handshake. Little did Mom know she'd actually redefine the word sisterhood.


In college, Lipstick was in charge of her sorority's standards. As chairman, she was the enforcer of its rules and ideals. Lipstick was responsible for keeping over 120 sorority girls in line (no easy feat!) and doling out disciplinary action when necessary. As an advice columnist, Lipstick can sometimes hear sorority songs in her mind as she’s responding to a dyke who’s lost her way. She often channels that young woman when offering a sympathetic ear or cracking her whip.


When Lipstick's not standing at the MAC counter looking for a new shade of lipstick, she's writing books, directing/producing TV and film projects, or playing tennis.

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